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Turning robotic ensembles into smart materials that mimic life
In the world of robots, the equivalent of cell-cell adhesion is achieved with magnets, which are incorporated into the perimeter of the robo

An endless domino effect
@ University of Amsterdam If it walks like a particle, and talks like a particle… it may still not be a particle. A topological soliton...

Plant-based materials give life to tiny soft robots that can potentially conduct medical procedures
A team of University of Waterloo researchers has created smart, advanced materials that will be the building blocks for a future...

Researchers design a pulsing nanomotor
An international team of scientists headed by the University of Bonn has developed a novel type of nanomotor. It is driven by a clever...

NIST finds a sweet new way to print microchip patterns on curvy surfaces
NIST scientist Gary Zabow had never intended to use candy in his lab. It was only as a last resort that he had even tried burying...

Tiny particles work together to do big things
Taking advantage of a phenomenon known as emergent behavior in the microscale, MIT engineers have designed simple microparticles that can...

‘Smart plastic’ material is step forward toward soft, flexible robotics and electronics
AUSTIN, Texas — Inspired by living things from trees to shellfish, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin set out to create a...

Tiny swimming robots treat deadly pneumonia in mice
Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed microscopic robots, called microrobots, that can swim around in...

Convert 3D-printed polymer into a 100-times stronger, ductile hybrid carbon microlattice material
Developing a lightweight material that is both strong and highly ductile has been regarded as a long-desired goal in the field of...

New programmable materials can sense their own movements
MIT researchers have developed a method for 3D printing materials with tunable mechanical properties, that sense how they are moving and...

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale
Researchers from TU Delft have constructed the smallest flow-driven motors in the world. Inspired by iconic Dutch windmills and...

A "nano-robot" built entirely from DNA to explore cell processes
Constructing a tiny robot from DNA and using it to study cell processes invisible to the naked eye… You would be forgiven for thinking it...
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