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Nanom creates nano-enhanced materials that can be integrated into the battery technologies of tomorrow. Nanotechnology can greatly increase the size and surface of battery electrodes by creating more efficient energy storage through material innovation. Structures can also be enhanced or even become the battery itself.
Zurich Instruments AG


Zurich Instruments makes cutting-edge instrumentation for scientists and technologists in advanced laboratories who are passionate about phenomena that are notoriously difficult to measure. The company’s hardware offering includes lock-in amplifiers, quantum computing control systems, impedance analyzers, and arbitrary waveform generators. Zurich Instruments brings innovation to scientific instrumentation in the medium- to super-high-frequency ranges by combining a variety of frequency- and time-domain tools within each of its products thanks to the LabOne® control software. This approach simplifies laboratory setups and unlocks new measurement approaches for dynamic signal analysis
Nanoacademic Technologies Inc.


We develop and offer first principles modeling software based on DFT (Density Function Theory) such as RESCU or NanoDCAL to predict the electronic, structural and electronic transport properties of condensed state materials. We have also developed an innovative quantum modeling tool (QTCAD) aimed at designing spin-qubit devices for quantum computers: it is currently under beta-testing and we are actively looking for beta-testers to support the final development stage before commercialization by beginning of 2022. Our simulation tools within the field of nanoelectronics are being used by researchers and R&D industrial companies to reduce their development costs and the critical time to market for their new materials, compounds or products. Our market and customer base is international, in Universities, public R&D laboratories and private Industries with advanced R&D activities in material sciences, chemistry and/or nanotechnologies.
tilibit nanosystems


tilibit nanosystems GmbH is a startup in the field of DNA nanotechnology. We offer DNA nanotechnology materials and develop novel DNA nanostructure products based on the DNA origami technology. This technology enables building discrete objects with user-defined shapes and mechanical properties on the scale of 10 to 1000 nanometers from the bottom-up.
Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (C2N)


The Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (C2N) is a joint research unit between the CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay. It was founded on the 1stJune 2016 by merging two former laboratories, the Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures (LPN) and the Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale (IEF). In 2018, the laboratory moved to a new building at the heart of Campus Paris-Saclay, in the south of Paris. The Board of Directors of the Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology consists of the laboratory director, Giancarlo Faini, four deputy directors : Laurent Vivien, Arnaud Bournel, Pierre-Yves Joubert and Jean-Christophe Harmand, as well as a General-secretary, Cynthia Vallerand.

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Particle size analyzer: PSA

Anton Paar


Nanoacademic Technologies Inc.

Humidity Generator and Controller

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH

MultiScan dispersion stability analysis system

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH


Nanoacademic Technologies


Nanoacademic Technologies Inc.

SPA – Surface Profile Analyzer

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH

Zeta Potential Analyzer

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH

Spinning drop Video Tensiometer

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH


Nanoacademic Technologies

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Graphene Oxide (GO)


Highly Concentrated Graphene Oxide


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