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Soroush Nazarpour

President & CEO
Dr. Nazarpour (PhD, Nanotechnology) has been President & CEO of NanoXplore Inc. since 2011. Over the last five years he has built a unique advanced material company based upon graphene, moving the company from lab bench fabrication of powder, to pellet masterbatches of graphene-enhanced polymers, to blow and injection molded products in real world. His current focus is on the development of scalable production processes to make available abundant and affordable graphene materials, and the integration of graphene into industrial supply chains. Dr. Nazarpour has extensive experience in advanced carbon nanomaterials, device physics, materials processing and integration, and is an acknowledged expert in the field of graphene. He is co-author of a new graphene book, “Graphene Technology From Laboratory to Fabrication” published by Wiley & Co publishing in 2016.
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